Tags: termite control services, termite control solutions, termite management kolkata, termite treatment KolkataCategory: Termite Treatment
While termites can cause harm to our homes and structures, they also provide important environmental services. Some species, for example, can aid in the breakdown of rotting wood into the soil, while others can aid in the breakdown of animal feces.
In other words, termites are necessary for our environment, but not in our dwellings. Are you concerned about termite damage?
If you are facing termite issues, you’re not alone. Termites wreak costly structural damage every year, and property owners spend a hefty sum to treat them. This fact sheet focuses on how you, as a customer, may recognize termites and help protect your home from them by taking effective preventative steps and using termite treatment in Kolkata appropriately.
The first step in termite management is to be aware of their presence. Termites rarely emerge from the earth, mud tubes, or food sources they burrow through. The majority of people are unaware they have termites until they observe a swarm or damaged during building.
Examine exposed wood for hollow patches by poking it using a flathead screwdriver or similar tool.
Carefully select a termite management company:
The termite control company must be licensed by your state. Request a copy of the company’s license and, if you have any questions, contact your state’s pesticide regulating office.
The time required before the property can be reoccupied varies by product and is specified on the product label. Check with the applicator to see when you’ll be able to reenter the building.
The label explains how to use the product and warns you about any potential hazards. If there are no instructions on the label for controlling termites and protecting the structure, the product is not meant to protect the structure from termites and should not be used.
Related: Professional Anti-Termite Treatment 101: Types, Advantages & More